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[Image courtesy of the Pew Internet and American Life Project]

Near the end of Tuesday’s post about voter cards, I cited some data from the Pew Internet and American Life Project regarding technology adoption across various groups.

That data is just a sample of the wealth of information that Pew Internet has collected on technology use among adults. If you are an election official – or just someone who cares about the future of election administration – you should 1) bookmark and 2) take a few minutes browsing through these quick snapshots of how Americans are using the technology they have to get the information they need and do what they enjoy:

Just as importantly, if you want to see what the next generation of voters is up to, check out similar stats for teens.

The bottom line is this: technology adoption among Americans is increasing exponentially. Election offices that don’t view online/mobile delivery of voting information as a core component of their outreach efforts are doing a disservice to themselves and their citizens – both as voters and as taxpayers who foot the bill.