Archive for 2015
New Student Note Suggests Disclosure Could Improve VRA Section 203 Language Assistance
Stanford Law student Matthew Higgins has a new piece suggesting that applying disclosure proposals to enforcement of Section 203 of the Voting Rights Act could help election officials and outside groups better cooperate to assist limited English proficient voters.
Read MoreRemarkable Virginia IT Agency Report Details Reasons for WinVote Decertification
Virginia’s IT agency conducted a review of the WinVote system – and what it found not only led to the system’s decertification yesterday but raises bigger issues of how to test (and who should test) voting machines nationwide.
Read MoreRound House Blow: New Mexico Enacts OVR, Other Reforms
New Mexico became the latest state to enact online voter registration when it unanimously enacted a bill establishing OVR and other reforms.
Read MoreHELP! Illinois County Sends Schock a Bill for Special Election
Illinois’ Marshall County board voted unanimously to send former U.S. Rep Aaron Schock a bill for special election costs that will be incurred as the result of his resignation. It’s far from a sure thing – but it’s sure to get people thinking (and talking) about funding specials.
Read MoreOld Dominion+Old Machines=New Problems: electionlineWeekly on Virginia Decertification Issue
Last week in Virginia, the “impending crisis” in voting technology got a little less impending and a lot more crisis as the new agency tasked with administering elections announced its plan to decertify voting equipment used in many localities across the Commonwealth.
Read More"This is So Much [BS]": FL Legislature, Local Officials Not Buying SoS Opposition to Online Registration
In one very bad day, Florida’s Secretary of State infuriated county election officials, irritated state legislators and likely guaranteed passage of online voter registration over his and the Governor’s objections.
Read MoreHit The Books: Training and Certification Language in Compromise Connecticut Bill
A new compromise bill in Connecticut will create training and certification requirements for the state’s elected registrars … this post examines those requirements and identifies issues worth watching if and when the compromise is enacted and implemented.
Read More"One is One Too Many": The Resignation of Georgia's Election Director and the Concept of Strict Liability
Georgia’s election director resigned after the discovery of thousands of inactive voter record cancellations inside the 90-day federal window. Her case is an opportunity to think about whether there is a longer list of conduct that carries “strict liability” for election officials.
Read MoreSPRING BREAK: Light Blogging This Week
Full blog will return Monday, April 6.
Read MoreTaking the Next Steps: electionlineWeekly on Oregon's "New Motor Voter" Implementation
electionlineWeekly has an update on what’s next in Oregon as the state prepares to implement its first-in-the-nation automatic (or “new motor voter”) registration bill.
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