Archive for 2016
electionlineWeekly Looks at Voting Rights Restoration Efforts in Several States
electionline’s Mindy Moretti has an update in this week’s electionlineWeekly analyzing efforts underway across the country to adjust laws disenfranchising people convicted of felonies. It provides some context for the re-emerging nationwide discussion about the policy of disenfrachisement and the legal and implementation issues involved with changes to those rules.
Read MoreLet's Work Together: Arizona Advocates Seek Partnership With Officials to Improve Elections
Arizona’s recent Election Day woes are well-documented, but a group of Phoenix-area advocates is going beyond the usual route of litigation and public criticism and seeking a partnership with state and local officials on issues with the election process. Similar efforts in California have been incredibly productive – and if successful, can benefit not only participants and election officials but voters as well.
Read MoreOn (From) Wisconsin: Kevin Kennedy to Retire
Wisconsin’s Kevin Kennedy will retire at the end of next month, leaving the state’s election agency after 37 years rather than stay on in the wake of a legislative overhaul of the state’s election structure. It’s a huge loss for Wisconsin but a tremendous opportunity for his colleagues nationwide to take advantage of his vast knowledge and experience.
Read MorePreparing for "Cucuklillruunga!" Inside Alaska's Yup'ik Translation Process
A new piece in Alaska Public Media takes you inside the process of translating the state’s election materials into Native Alaskan languages like Yup’ik, where a team is working to see and hear English terms with new eyes and ears in order to convey key concepts in such a way that all voters can understand them and make informed choices. Quite simply, it’s fascinating.
Read MoreMile High Moving Target: Signature Battles Complicate Ballot Printing in Colorado
Two Colorado U.S. Senate candidates who had lost their place on the ballot due to signature-gathering issues got help from a judge last week, who ordered that both of them be added to the ballot (at least temporarily). The fight illuminates how separate aspects of an election official’s job – here, the SoS’ responsibilities for ballot access and ballot preparation – can come into conflict as elections approach.
Read Moreelectionline Alum Dan Seligson on EAC's Boston Accessibility Hearing
My good friend and fellow electionline alum Dan Seligson recently was kind enough to take time out of his busy schedule to report on the EAC’s hearing last week in Boston, MA.
Read MoreFour Upcoming Webinars from NCSL, FoCE, CSG OVI to Focus on Key Election Issues
Even as the election cycle heats up, there’s still a good reason to keep learning about elections – and three fantastic organizations (the National Conference of State Legislatures, Future of California Elections and CSG’s Overseas Voting Initiative) are offering four informative webinars over the next week, starting tomorrow.
Read MoreBetter Late Than Never? Ohio House Finally Ready to Adopt OVR … in 2017
The Ohio House appears finally to be ready to adopt online voter registration after sustained lobbying by the Secretary of State. But after sitting on the bill for almost a year, legislators feel like there isn’t enough time to implement OVR – so the plan is to wait until 2017.
Read MorePresident Obama Nominates Nevada's Kate Marshall to EAC
President Obama has nominated former Nevada State Treasurer and 2014 SoS candidate Kate Marshall to be the fourth member (and second Democrat) at the EAC. The nomination is already stirring partisan rhetoric, which likely means it’s not likely to move – but if it did it would restore the agency to full strength at a time when (controversies aside) it has a large agenda to work through.
Read MoreGreen Mountain Milestone: Vermont Adopts Automatic Voter Registration
Last week, Vermont became the latest state to adopt automatic voter registration. While automatic registration isn’t yet sweeping the nation like OVR has been for the last few years, it is getting enough of a foothold nationally that it will likely be on the radar of election officials and policymakers in other states.
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