Archive for 2017
Colorado to Become First State to Require Regular Risk-Limiting Audits
Yesterday, Colorado announced that it would implement regular risk-limiting audits for its elections, starting this November. The plan could offer a more cost-effective and straightforward way to assess election outcomes – and the state plans to make its tools available to other states who wish to follow suit.
Read MoreWe Need You On That Firewall: South Carolina Reports Nearly 150,000 Hacking Attempts on Election Day 2016
South Carolina’s state election commission disclosed in a recent report on Election Day 2016 that outsiders attempted to access the state’s voter registration system nearly 150,000 times. It’s a reminder that voter data can be at risk from outside threats – and whatever the debates about who should work together and/or be in charge, that work needs to start RIGHT. NOW.
Read More(Not) Voting with Their Feet: electionlineWeekly on Voters Asking to Un-Register
electionlineWeekly’s Mindy Moretti has a must-read piece this week on a troubling new phenomenon: voters asking to cancel their voter registrations because of personal privacy concerns related to the federal request to share voter rolls. It’s a painful reminder that hacking fears can have as much to do with compromise of individuals’ personal information as wider concerns about altered outcomes.
Read MoreStuck: County Election Boards in NC Caught in Dispute Over Appointment Power
The ongoing battle between North Carolina’s newly-elected Democratic Governor and the GOP-controlled legislature over appointment of election boards has left numerous counties unable to function for lack of quorum. Specifically, policymakers’ inability and/or unwillingness to set aside partisanship is starting to have an effect on the ability to administer elections at the county level.
Read MoreAlphabet Soup Can Be Good For You: New EAC “CI Scoop” Looks at ISACs, MS-ISAC, and ISAOs
As you probably already know, cybersecurity is a hot topic in the elections world these days as it has been in many others for a while. What you may not know is that a whole new ecosystem of information sharing has sprung up around cybersecurity – an ecosystem that’s making its way into elections. A new blog post by the EAC’s Mark Listes helps election officials understand the full “alphabet soup” of entities that can be involved.
Read MoreThreat Modeling: What it Is, How to Do It – And Why It’s Important
Despite all the recent attention to election cybersecurity, the discussion has been largely focused on how different levels of government can cooperate to share information on possible threats to the voting process. A new article by Sean Gallagher in Ars Technica, however, is a nice primer for individuals on both why and how to create “threat models” to identify potential threats and develop plans to protect against them.
Read MorePew Research Poll Examines American Attitudes on Voting
A recent survey by The Pew Research Center illuminates both Americans’ deep commitment to the idea of voting and increasingly divergent views on how it should work in practice. It’s further evidence of the divide on whether voting is a right or a privilege, with splits between parties, races and even age groups – meaning that the current fights aren’t just “inside baseball” but actually represent differences of opinion in the country itself.
Read MoreElectionlineWeekly’s Exit Interview with Verified Voting’s Pam Smith
June 2017 has been more intense than most “off-year” months in the election world. While most of that is definitely due to the rush of headlines in recent weeks, it’s also due to a series of key departures from the field. electionlineWeekly has its latest “exit interview” with Pam Smith of the Verified Voting Foundation, who stepped down at the end of June after 13 years with the organization including 10 years as President.
Read MorePresidential Commission on Election Integrity: What We Know
The last week or so has seen an explosion of headlines in the elections world as the Presidential Commission on Election Integrity begins its work. The news has come so fast that it can be hard to keep up … so here’s a quick summary of where things stand to date.
Read MoreEAC Releases 2016 EAVS Data
There is a lot happening in the election community right now – some of it encouraging, some less so – but last Friday, June 30 definitely included some very good news: the arrival of the Election Administration and Voting Survey (EAVS) collected and compiled by the U.S. Election Assistance Commission (EAC).
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