Archive for March 2020
Ohio Suspends Primary for Coronavirus Concerns
Late last night, after a chaotic day when voting was off then on then off again, the State of Ohio closed polling places for what would have been today’s primary election due to the coronavirus threat and moved to postpone voting until a later date.
Read MoreDivided Election Control In Maricopa County, AZ Leads to Conflict, Confusion on Eve of Primary
As voters prepare to go to the polls tomorrow in a state primary deeply shaken by coronavirus fears, Arizona’s Maricopa County (Phoenix) is seeing confusion and conflict with state officials about emergency mail ballots for voters worried about the pandemic.
Read MoreTammy Patrick on “Election Day Command Centers: A National Snapshot”
This week’s electionlineWeekly features a story by the Democracy Fund’s Tammy Patrick about her new report, “Election Day Command Centers: A National Snapshot”, spotlighting the role these centers play in helping to ensure a smooth voting experience for voters and election offices alike.
Read MoreHigh Turnout, Same-Day Registration Lead to Long Lines in East Lansing, MI
The city clerk in East Lansing, MI – home of Michigan State University – says long voting lines in this week’s presidential primary were the result of high turnout and hundreds of student voters who registered on Election Day.
Read MoreNow Playing, Number 31: Texas Joins ERIC
Yesterday, Texas became the 31st member of the Electronic Registration Information Center (ERIC), a multi-state voter registration data exchange aimed at comparing state voter rolls and identifying both ineligible individuals and those eligible but unregistered to vote.
Read MoreCoronavirus Concerns Prompt Ohio to Move Polling Places from Nursing Homes
The State of Ohio will move polling places for the March 17 primary out of nursing homes as part of an effort to protect residents from the spread of the coronavirus.
Read MoreMissed Ballots in Dallas County, TX to Lead to Paper Ballot Recount
Dallas County, TX will be seeking a recount pf paper ballots from last week’s March 3 primary after discovering that votes from numerous machines were omitted from the initial count.
Read MoreElectionlineWeekly’s Super Tuesday 2020 Roundup
After months (years?) of anticipation, Super Tuesday 2020 is behind us – and while the political storylines are still playing out, electionline’s Mindy Moretti has a rundown of how the day went across the nation on the election administration front.
Read MoreMinnesota SoS Simon, Colorado’s Choate to Co-Host Cybersecurity Webinar TODAY
Today at 1pm Central time, the Certificate in Election Administration program will present a webinar entitled “Preparing for 2020: Election and Cybersecurity ” co-hosted by Minnesota Secretary of State Steve Simon and Colorado state election director Judd Choate.
Read MoreTough Tuesday: Tennessee Copes with Election Day Tornado, Aftermath
Voters across the country went to the polls on Super Tuesday, but the day was more difficult in Tennessee because of a deadly tornado that ripped through the Volunteer State overnight, leaving election officials scrambling to cope in the aftermath.
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