Kim Wyman Re-Elected as Washington SoS
Washington Secretary of State Kim Wyman was re-elected last week, following a strong challenge from an outgoing state lawmaker.
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Elaine Manlove: An Appreciation
The elections community lost a great colleague yesterday with the report that former Delaware election commissioner Elaine Manlove and her husband were killed in a two-car accident on Monday afternoon.

How to Watch Election Day 2020: An Election Geek’s Viewer’s Guide
Election Day is upon us! I know it’s been a long and challenging year, but the national campaign is finally over and voters get one last chance to have their say... Here’s the 2020 edition of a short election viewer’s guide that I have developed in more than two decades of watching Election Day

Fight Over Harris County, TX Drive-Thru Voting Comes Down to the Wire
The Texas Supreme Court has rejected a challenge to 127,000 votes cast in Harris County (Houston), TX's drive-thru voting centers, but one more legal challenge is expected with Election Day coming up tomorrow.

Michigan Settlement to Relax Social Distancing for Poll Watchers
The State of Michigan will allow poll watchers to be within six feet of poll workers, despite COVID-19 social distancing precautions, as part of a settlement announced yesterday.

Delivering the Vote: Pregnant Woman in Labor Casts Ballot in Orlando Parking Lot
Every election cycle has a few memorable stories, and this is one for me: election officials in Florida's Orange County helped a pregnant Orlando woman in labor cast her ballot in the parking lot before heading to the hospital.

Maryland to Dispatch “Health Ambassadors” to Polls
Maryland's Department of Health is doing what it can to keep voters safe at the polls by dispatching "Health Ambassadors" to assist with precautions related to the COVID-19 pandemic. It's a fantastic idea - especially since it allows poll workers to focus on election duties without the need to multi-task to protect public health as well.

electionlineWeekly Runs Down 2020 Secretary of State Contests
Election Day 2020 is just eight days away, and the latest issue of electionlineWeekly has a rundown of the races to select secretaries of state and chief election offices nationwide.

Ballot Drop Box Fire Prompts LA County to Recover Votes, Contact Voters
Los Angeles County, CA election officials are trying to salvage votes and contact voters after a suspicious ballot drop box fire over the weekend.

Failed Negotiations End Hopes for Ballot Pre-Processing in Pennsylvania
Pennsylvania's Republican legislative majority announced yesterday that they have broken off talks with the Commonwealth's Democratic governor, ending hopes of a compromise bill that would allow mail ballot to be processed before Election Day.